Compliance Inspections

Let Island Pump and Tank help you avoid
expensive fines

A compliance inspection can be uncomfortable. Like getting audited, we all cross our fingers and hope it never happens. If we are not prepared, the consequences are costly.

Working with Island Pump & Tank is like having a good accountant - we teach you what regulator’s look for and show you simple ways to avoid fines. We provide our clients with low-cost, non-regulatory inspections. Our compliance experts inspect your facility, generate a comprehensive report, and work with you to find easy, manageable solutions that fit into your day-to-day operations. The information is completely confidential and what you do with it is up to you.

If you have already received a Notice of Violation we can help. A regulator’s job is not to collect fines, it is to get you to keep your facility in compliance. The right response can go a long way in negotiating an agreeable outcome. Let us get the violation removed, reduce your fines, and get your facility back into compliance.


Compliance Inspections
How much will it cost to get my facility back into compliance?

Non-regulatory compliance inspections are an excellent investment. That is because most violations arise from a lack of knowledge. You can save yourself thousands of dollars in fines simply by documenting the things you already do, properly posting your tank registrations and checking your alarms. These are the types of violations most facility owners receive. Violations do not typically require major work such as re-piping your tanks or installing secondary containment. Violations are generally inexpensive to fix but the fines themselves are very steep.

Every facility is different and every owner has different maintenance procedures, so there is no meaningful “average” cost to get your facility into compliance. But it is safe to say that in this case, Benjamin Franklin was right. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Services Offered

Tank & Line Test
• Line & Leak Detector Test
• Stage II Vapor Recovery Decommissioning
• Stage I Vapor Recovery Test (includes test for pressure decay, vapor tie, p/v relief vent cap)
• Monthly A/B Inspection, Training & Reporting
• AST Inspection & Reporting
• Automatic Tank Gauge (ATG) Certification
• Cathodic Protection Test (for either sacrifical or impressed current
• Spill Bucket Test (includes cleaning and testing)
• Sump Test (includes cleaning, testing and pump out)
• Helium Test
• Dispenser Calibration
• Dispenser Filter Changes
• Pump Outs
• Line Purging
• Non-regulatory compliance inspections and reporting
• Compliance planning
• Notice of violation removal
• Fine reduction and mitigation
• Compliance repairs and upgrades
• Permitting and tank registration
• Spill closure
• Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans